शनिवार, 3 नवंबर 2012

Bala aswagandha arishta

Recently I made this ayurvedic medicine . I collected main ingredient ie Bala(Sida cordifolia) from Himalaya region and aswagandha (Withinia sominifera) ,from market ( nagori) and made arishta with same procedure as mentioned in our classical books.
I found this arishta very useful in asthma. ( specially in vatja), various shukra dusti ( semen disorders,loss of libido) . In my practice some patients specially female loss their weight by using this medicine.

मंगलवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2012



The thyroid gland—what is it? What does it do? What happens when it doesn’t work as it is meant to? What is naturopathic medicine and what does it have to offer over conventional medicine? These are the types of questions you may be asking, and these are the types of questions that will be answered in this article.

# Under-active or over-active thyroid :

Thyroid-related problems—both an under-active or over-active thyroid- can impact your energy levels, fertility, mood, weight, sexual interest and ability to think clearly. Thyroid-related problems can affect ALL your daily activities.

When a wholistic, naturopathic physician is treating an individual with a thyroid disorder, they see a whole person in front of them and not just a thyroid gland! A naturopathic physician will be very interested in prevention and will use primarily natural, holistic methods to treat thyroid disorders and will treat you with vitamins, supplements, diet, lifestyle changes and bio-identical hormone replacements rather than only with prescription drugs. Naturopaths will also use certain drugs in the treatment of some thyroid disorders, but with the goal of minimizing the drugs used and maintaining thyroid function as much as possible. A naturopath will also be interested in maximizing your overall health while working to improve your thyroid function and finding, if possible, the cause of the problem. That cause may be stress, poor nutrition, a tendency towards inflammatory conditions or some other cause.

The thyroid gland plays a central role in maintaining energy levels, temperature, weight, clear thinking, the sensitivity of the body to other hormones and the synthesis of proteins. It is located at the base of the neck and wraps around the front of the neck. The two conditions that affect the thyroid are hypothyroid (an UNDERactive thyroid) and hyperthyroid (an OVERactive thyroid). It sometimes takes years for thyroid problems to develop.

@ The most common form of hypothyroid is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 

The most common form of hypothyroid is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis -an autoimmune disorder where the body is producing antibodies to the thyroid and leads to decreased production of thyroid hormones. The most common cause of hyperthyroid is Graves’ disease—this is also an autoimmune disorder, but in Graves’ disease, the antibodies stimulate thyroid hormone production and you get too much. Some thyroid disorders occur after or during pregnancy, after viral or bacterial infections or after long periods of stress . Both hypo- and hyper-thyroid occurs predominantly in women starting at the ages of 30-40. Some cases of Graves’ disease have been associated with heavy metals and prescription drugs.

T4 and T3 are the main thyroid hormones. Iodine is a critical nutrient for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. (the numbers 4 and 3 represent the number of iodine atoms per molecule of hormone.)

# Thyroid disease is diagnosed by both physical symptoms and lab results. 

# General Holistic Approaches to Thyroid (BOTH HYPO- AND HYPER) 

# Diet and Lifestyle :

A whole-food (non-processed) organic diet is strongly recommended for maintaining health. If you are iodine deficient, use seaweed in cooking for its iodine content. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and particularly drugs such as lithium, thionamides, alpha interferon, interleukin-2, cholestyramine, perchlorate, expectorants, aluminum hydroxide and raloxifene.

Minimize stress: Techniques used to modify stress include deep breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, and biofeedback.

A moderate level of exercise is also recommended. A 20-30 minute walk a day can do wonders!

If you are hypothyroid, avoid or limit certain foods that can affect the thyroid (goitrogens) such as cabbage, turnips, Brussels sprouts, rutabagas, broccoli, cauliflower and bok choy. Goitrogens interfere with iodine uptake in the thyroid.

If you are hyperthyroid, increase your intake of these foods (goitrogens).

# Holistic Approaches to HypoThyroid States :


• Iodine: 150-1500 mcg/day (or ~ ½ -3 teaspoons a day of iodized table salt)
• Selenium: 200-400 mcg/day 
• Zinc: 20-40 mg/ day. Take Zinc along with Copper (4-5mg/day) to prevent copper deficiency.

• A good, whole-food vitamin preparation is always recommended. A whole-food vitamin is derived from food (rather than synthesized in a lab) and is produced from the food with minimal processing.
• 2-3 grams of omega-3 fish oils every day. If you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, increase this to 3-4 grams every day. Fish oils are anti-inflammatory and help reduce the auto-antibodies.
• To help maintain health and energy levels, take 2-3 times the RDA of B-vitamins.
• Anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene (3-6 mg/day), Vitamin C (1000-3000mg/day) and Vitamin E (400-800IU/day)
• Vitamin D: 1000-2000IU each day

# Herbs:

•Anti-inflammatory botanicals for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. You can use these in cooking and enjoy a more flavorful diet as well!
• Curcuma longa/Turmeric 
• Capsicum/Cayenne pepper
• Olive oil
• Zingiber/Gingero 
• Boswellia
• Grape seed extract
• Pycnogenol
• Green tea

# Holistic Approaches to HyperThyroid States: 


• AVOID table salt and other foods that contain iodine
• Selenium: 200-400 mcg/day
• Zinc: 20-40 mg/ day. Take Zinc along with Copper (4-5mg/day) to prevent copper deficiency.
• Calcium:(Graves’ disease patients are more susceptible to osteoporosis)

# Vitamins and other supplements:
• A good, whole-food vitamin preparation is always recommended. A whole-food vitamin is derived from food (rather than synthesized in a lab) and is produced from the food with minimal processing.
• 2-3 grams of omega-3 fish oils every day. If you have been diagnosed with Graves’ disease, increase this to 3-4 grams every day. Fish oils are anti-inflammatory and help reduce the auto-antibodies.
• To help maintain health and energy levels, take 2-3 times the RDA of B-vitamins.
• Anti-oxidant vitamins:
• Vitamin C: 2000mg/day
• Vitamin E : 400-800 IU/day
• l-carnitine: 2 to 4 g/day. l-carnitine has been shown to inhibit thyroid hormone. 
• CoQ10: 50 to 100 mg/day. CoQ10 has been shown to be deficient in hyperthyroidism. 

# Herbs : 

Only use these botanicals with the advice of a qualified naturopathic physician. Even natural products can cause harm if used incorrectly!

• The anti-thyroid botanicals block the TSH receptors in the cells and inhibit the conversion to T3, minimizing the hyperthyroidism:
• Lycopus spp.
• Lithospermum officinale
• Melissa officinalis
• Iris versicolor
• Emblica officinalis

# Home Remedies For Thyroid Problem :

A fine paste made of the vegetable jalakumbhi (Pistia straticies) applied over the affected part helps in reducing the swelling. The juice obtained from the jalakumbhi should be given in doses of II to 22 gm a day. It increases the amount of iodine, the lack of which, according to Allopathy, is one of the factors responsible for the disease.
Coconut oil offers much promise today to sufferers of hypothyroidism and slow metabolism. It is a known fact that the fatty acid chains in coconut oil, known as medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), offer wonderful health benefits and are no where found more abundantly in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the MCTs rev up the body's sluggish metabolism 

# Yoga :
Sarvangasna (shoulder stand) is the most suitable and effective asana for the thyroid gland. 

# Pranayama :
The most effective Pranayama for thyroid problems is Ujjayi.

Ayurvedic medicine has a strong historical background of effective treatment of various diseases, including thyroid disease.

बुधवार, 18 जनवरी 2012

raktaj gulama(_~ ovarian cyst), PCOD, ऋतुविकारार्थ रज: प्रवर्तक कतिपय योग ।

पाठको से मेरा अनुरोध है कि आयुर्वेदिक औषधियां लेने से पहले आप अपने फ़िजिशियन से जरुर सलाह ले ।

  1. तिल ६ मासा , भारंगी ६ मासा, एरण्ड मूल, निम्ब ६-६ मासा क्वाथित कर १-२ सप्ताह तक ६ मासा मधु मिला प्रात: सांय ५ बजे पीयें तो कार्य सिद्ध हो ।
  2. मघां, यवक्षार, मैनफ़ल, दन्तीत्वक, इन्द्रायण मूल, तिलकाले, पुराण गुड़, एरण्डकारण मिंगी, इन सब को पीस कर वर्तिकर  सुखा लें ।  हो सके तो छाया मे सुखा ले , बाद मे मलमल का नुतन वस्त्र इन्द्रायण रस मे आर्द्र कर इस मे वत्रिका लपेट पीछे से धागे से लपेट कर भग मे रखें मजबूत धागा हो जो भग से १२ इंच बाहर हो ताकि उसे पकड कर खींचने मे आसानी हो , कम से कम ४-५ घंटे रखने के बाद निकाल कर उस वर्तिका को फ़ेंक दें पुन: ६-७ घंटा के बाद रखें । एवं कई वर्तिकायें रखें जब तक कार्य सिद्ध ना हो । 
  3. यह स्थूलकाय कामनियों के लिये वर है -- शुद्ध रस १ तोला, शुद्ध बलि १ तोला, अभ्रक भस्म, शुध शुल्व भस्म १-१ तोला, त्रिफ़लात्वक ६-६ मासे तीनो,  रियोंद चीनी ३ तोला,  चित्रक मूळ त्वक, शुद्ध गुग्गुलु शुद्ध शिलाजीत ५-५ तोला, त्रिकुटा समवजन ६ तोला, मुस्ब्बर २ तोला, कुटकी ४० तोला, । पूर्व कज्जली कर शेष का महीन चुर्ण कर सब को एकत्र कर कुमारी रस मे २ दिन मर्दन कर, दो दो रत्ती की वरिआं कर सोनें समय १-१ या२-२ वटी यथोचित अनुपान से ले तो ऋतु शुद्ध होकर आवे, ऋतु  के दिन बंद कर एं । २-३ महीने तक गोक्षीर से । इस के लिये कुमार्यासव भी वर है ।
  4. अयस्भस्म, मण्डुर भस्म, हीरा कासीस, अभ्रकभस्म, स्वर्णमाक्षिकभस्म, रससिन्दुर १-१ तोला, एलुवा, शिलाजतु २-२ तोले, कुटकी, शुद्ध गुग्गुल ५-५ तोले, इन सब का सुक्ष्म चुर्ण कर  कुमारी रस मे मर्दन कर २-२ रत्ति की वटियां करें १-२ वटी गोक्षीर से प्रात: सांय दे ।
  5. गुड़ पुरातन ५ तोला, सरनाह की पत्ती ३ तोला, सोया, काले तिल, पटसन तुखम, अमल्तास का गुद्दा १-१ तोला, दोनों मुन्नके २ तोला, फ़ुल गुलाब २ तोले, संधव लवण १ तोला  इन को यथा विधि क्वाथ कर  बोतल मे रख ले  मासिक आने से ८-९ दिन पहले  ही इसे प्रारम्भ कर दे । मात्रा-- ५ तोला प्रथम दिन फ़िर ३-३ तोला रिक्तोदर ।
  6. अन्य शास्त्रीय योग-- कुमार्यासव, रज: प्रवर्तनी वटी , आरोग्यवर्धनी वटी, कासीस भस्म, मण्डूर भस्म, एलुवा, महायोगराज गुगुलु, चंद्रप्रभावटी, हिंग्वष्टक च्रुण, नवायस लोह आदि।

बुधवार, 11 जनवरी 2012

सुवर्ण प्राशन ,Ayurvedic immunisation.

चामीकरवचाप्राह्मीताप्यपथ्या रजीकृता: ॥
लिह्यान्मधुघृतोपेता    हेमदधात्रीरजो अथवा ॥

स्वर्ण , वच ब्राह्मी, स्वर्णमाक्षिक और हरड़ का अथवा स्वर्ण और आंवले का सूक्ष्म चूर्ण करके मधु और घृत के साथ चटावें ।

अष्टांग हृदय के उत्तर स्थान मे बालोपचारणीय अध्याय मे वर्णित यह श्लोक बच्चों मे रोग से लड़ने की शकित प्रदान करता है और भविष्य मे वे किसी घातक रोग से लड़ने के लिये तैयार हो जाते हैं ।



    Ayurveda is known for it’s own specialties. Today the whole world is affected withdifferent diseases. Modern medicines fail to treat the patients satisfactorily inspite of many researches and latest technologies because of their hazardous side effects AYURVEDA the science of life, provides many other alternative ways to tackle with such disorders successfully. Not only treating unhealthy individuals, Ayurveda mainly helps to maintain the healthy state of mind and body. Ayurveda holds good even today though it was written thousands of years ago. Ayurveda explains SWARNA BINDU PRASHANA while Modern medicine explains about vaccines. Vaccines produce immunity against specific diseases where as swarna bindu prashana produces non specific immunity along with many other effects.






    Ka. Su. 18/ 4-5
    This reference gives us the idea about 

    What are the ingredients used for Swarna bindu prashana?
    What is their importance?
    To whom it should be done?
    For what period it should be done?
    What are its effects?

    Ingredients Of Swarna Bindu Prashana

    Swarna bindu prashana contains three ingredients.
    A ) Suddha medhya aushadhi siddha ghruta.
    B ) Shuddha swarna bhasma. 
    C) Shuddha madhu.


    Madhu is collection of pollen grains by bees. Inday today life it is observed that pollen grains acquire a great percentage in producing allergic reactions leading to many diseases. 
    The main reason for using madhu in Swarna bindu prashana is that when madhu is administered in low doses in childhood itself then child gradually develops resistance for allergens and it remains unaffected by allergens.


    Suvarna is one of the shreshta medhya dravyas explained in ayurveda. Kashyapacharya in lehana vidhi adhyaya explains that suvarna should be used in lehana karma. As suvarna is a metal’ it can’t be administered directly. So suvarna is made into bhasma and used. This suvarna bhasma is laghu gunatmaka, easy for absorption and assimilation.It is also medha vardhaka.When it is administered in very low doses for a particular time it is known to potentiate the memory power along with immunity. 


    Ghruta has the unique property of acquiring the gunas of dravyas which are added to it. Medhyaushadhis like manduka parni, brahmi, guducchi , yashtimadhu, vacha etc are added to ghruta and according to the procedure it is prepared. This ghruta is useful in potentiating the mental ability.
    According to ayurveda ( A.SAM. SU virudhannapaneeya adhyaya):
    Ghruta and madhu mixed in equal quantity acts as visha. This same theory is used in Swarna bindu prashana. Madhu and ghruta in equal doses is given at regular intervals. This develops resistance in the body for any type of visha. In other words it produces immunity. 

    To whom it should be done?

    It can be done only in children below the age of 5 years. Because during this period only the brain growth is maximum. 

    For what period it should be done?

    It should be done minimum for 6 months to 1 year.

    What are its effects?

    By swarna prashana child develops medha (mental ability), agni (digestive power), bala, aayu vardhana, it is also mangalakara, punya, vrushya, varnya, ghuha baadha nashaka. If swarna prashana is done for 1 month then child will be parama medhavi, remains unaffected by vyadhi. If done for 6 months then child will be shruta dhara ( remembers what he hears)
  • swarna bhasma in a dose of 10mg with honey/ghee on the third day of birth should be given.It can be given for 1-2 weeks.or it may be given as single dose.It works as Ayurvedic immunization and really gives wonderful immunity to kids.
  • Swaarnaprana is of great help for mental sas well as physical growth of children.
    I myself practice suvarnaprashana.
    Use suvarnavarka(patra) not suvarna bhasma as its difficult to adjust the dose.
    You can refer kashap samhita lehadhaya.
    Can be started from the age of 4mths till 5yrs as in this age the growth of brain is at peak level.
    Drugs used
    Swarna varka to be triturated with vacha churna,this to be added to Brahmi ghrut mixed with madhu.
    it should be prepared freshly every time.
    To be given during pushya nakshatra in every month.

शनिवार, 7 जनवरी 2012

रक्तज गुल्म निदान, लक्षण और आज के परिपेक्ष मे इसकी तुलना ,Ovarian Cysts

रक्तगुल्म स्त्रीयों को ही होता है  इससे यही सपष्ट होता है कि यह रोग स्त्री के जननांगो यानि गर्भाशय और ओवरी से ही सम्बधित है ।  वातकारक आहार , विहार और चेष्टाजो की वात को बड़ाती है   और नूतन प्रसुता अथवा पहले से ही कुछ योनि रोगों से पीड़ित स्त्री यदि उपरोक्त कारणॊ का सेवन करती है  तो कुपित वायु प्रतिमास आने वाले आर्तव को रोक कर या कुछ रोकर इस रोग को पैदा कर देती है । यही रुका हुआ आर्तव गर्भ  के लक्षण पैदा कर देता है  जैसे की जी का मचलना , कृशता,  उल्टी आना, अर्जीण, पेडु मे दर्द आदि आदि ।
रक्त का वात और पित्त के साथ मिल जाने पर वातपित्तजन्य वेदना,  जडता, दाह, अतिसार, प्यास, ज्वर, आदि उपद्रव होते हैं । गर्भाशय मे निरन्तर शूल और सपंदन रहता है ।  यदि ये सभी लक्षण मिलते है तो यह समझ लेना चाहिए कि रक्त गुल्म है ।
आज के परिपेक्ष मे इसको हम ओवेरियन सिस्ट से तुलना कर सकते है ।  ओवेरियन सिस्ट के निम्न लक्षण मिल सकते हैं----

    • Dull aching, or severe, sudden, and sharp pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen (one or both sides), pelivs, vagina, lowerback or thighs; pain may be constant or intermittent—this is the most common symptom
    • Fullness, heaviness, pressure, swelling, or bloating in the abdomen
    • Breast tenderness
    • Pain during or shortly after beginning or end of menstrual period.
    • Irregular periods, or abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting
    • Change in frequency or ease ofurination (such as inability to fully empty bladder), or difficulty with bowl movement due to pressure on adjacent pelvic anatomy
    • Weight gain
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Fatigue
    • infertiltiy
    • Increased level of hair growth
    • Increased facial hair or body hair
    • Headaches
    • Strange pains in ribs, which feel muscular
    • Bloating
Strange nodules that feel like bruises under the layer of skin
these are the main symptoms of ovarian cysts. 
अगली पोस्ट मे हम इस रोग का आयुर्वेदिक समाधान और चिकित्सा की चर्चा करेंगे ।